I joke that they are the “Brady Bunch Gone Wild”, but they really are some of my favorite people in the world.
There are 2 Moms:
2 Dads:
2 teenage boys:
2 little girls:
and love and kindness to spare:
If when you think of “Family” you think of 2 adults in love raising their children in the best way they can despite of all challenges of everyday life, then this family is as traditional as it gets. Sorry guys, I mean “traditional” in a good way 🙂
Here are some more of my favorites from this session:
Becca Hayes - Beautiful photos Mali! Just looking at them makes me want to know their story. They look like an amazing family. 🙂
Cindy - Love the session Mali!! Beautiful, as always!!
Noel - love these! such a beautiful family. great work mali!
Yuli - Great family, amazing people, pictures that capture it all beautifully and very cool post. Love it all!
FurryJackal - I stumbled on this looking for a bumpersticker, actually. The imagery depicted here made me weep happily with how beautiful it is. I was steeped in a blog filled with hate and this really uplifted me. Thank you! 🙂
Jeremy - I’m currently writing an essay on this gorgeous portrait for my art history class. Any time I’m having a bad day and need to be reminded that goodness is possible, I look at it. Thank you so much for taking it.
Andres Jimenez - Great pictures. I am interested in using the 5th picture in a brochure. This is a financial brochure educating LGBT individuals about personal finances and considerations they should address as they plan for the future.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience.
Lukas - Hi,
Im online, looking for a picture of a gay family. I need the picture for a lecture that I will have for children about Human rights. I will use the picture in a way that the kids will have to guess who the children parents are. In that way I can easily teach them that families can be different. Would it be okay to use that picture public where they walk and hold hands?
Please answer
Kind Regards
Lukas Johansson
Project assistent
Youth Embassy