My attempt to blog 1 image a day lasted … just a few days… Well, I’ll have to try again another time 🙂
The other day my friend Elsie featured my holiday card on her blog and I thought it was so cute what she said about me 🙂 It’s really funny how I feel all warm and fuzzy inside when someone says something good about me… We all know that who we really are doesn’t change at all based on what others say we are, but at the same time validation feels so nice. Maybe this is just part of being human, or perhaps I need to work on a better sense of self…. Either way, I was happy to read Elsie’s post 🙂
Even though I send a card to everyone I have an address to, I am posting it here for everyone who visit this blog.



And the answer is YES, I buy my kids an outfit for Christmas thinking of the Christmas card, I LOOOOOVE shooting their picture and making the card, I let the kids have as much say on the card as possible (pretty much everything except for things like wearing a clone trooper mask 🙂 ), I send lots of cards every year, I cheer for every card I receive from friends, clients, and everyone, I display them all on a wall and look at them every chance I get. It’s so awesome to get the mail this time of the year! And this year I’m having extra special treats: Cards from the Anytime-art Workshop attendees! I’m beyond amazed at the skill and creativity our attendees have developed. I can’t wait to our next workshop in January!
Dara - You are truly blessed! Happy New Year Mali! - awwww…I am soooo excited I made it on your blog….happy new year Mali!!! I am blessed to have you in my life!!!! xoxoo
Lucia Laureano - Estou vendo que vc tb tem uma menina linda, além do garotão jogador de futebol…
Parabéns pela linda família!!!